shallow pre-fabricated trusses
ceiling backframing
pre-fabricated trusses
ceiling backframing over garage
exit from living room to deck
raised floor framing
Parallam to TJI angled connection
dropped framed floor
wood framing around elevator shaft
Parallam to floor joist connection
plumbing rough in
Exterior wall plywood sheathing
Framed wall against concrete foundation wall – note the moisture membrane (black) between concrete wall and wood studs – normally one would leave a 1/2″ gap, but in this case the gap had to be eliminated
(Shallow) wood trusses
Skewed connection between a parallam beam and TJI joists
Wall/floor framing
Wall/floor framing
floor build up over TJI floor structure
glue goop smeared over TJI beams in preparation of plywood sheathing application
glue goop as an adhering agent between floor plywood sheathing and TJIs
longish roof TJI beams
TJI close up
perimeter LVL ledgers (orange)
extremely angled TJI beam – custom hangers?
sill gasket under sill plate to hamper moisture migration into wood
wall framing over a rather thin concrete foundation wall
garage wood framing offset from concrete wall and fill